Individualized Healing
I believe in providing holistic health care in an effective and affordable manner. Healthcare shouldn't always be about expensive tests and pharmaceuticals. Chinese Medicine works on a holistic level, meaning it looks at the entire body system to find the root of the problem rather than just to treat the presenting symptoms. Chinese Medicine is an individualized healing art that looks at all aspects of one's life to find the source of the problem.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is over 3,000 years old; it has been practiced since some of the earliest civilizations on earth. Acupuncture and herbal therapy use specific techniques to stimulate the bodies own healing mechanisms, while striving to achieve homeostatic balance physically, mentally and spiritually.

About Acupuncture
& Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is the discipline in which acupuncture belongs to. The term “Acupuncture” is used in a broad sense in the West, to include an array of skills, including traditional needling, moxibustion, electrico acupuncture (E-Stim), Cupping therapy, Guasha, TuiNa, microsystem acupuncture such as ear (auricular), face, hand and scalp acupuncture, and acupressure (the application of pressure at selected sites).​
What Others Say
"Hands down the best acupuncture experience I've ever had. From headaches, to shoulder/neck pain, to plantar fasciitis, and emotional trauma, Agate Acupuncture & Natural Healing gave me the relief and results I desired."